Lip Renew by Robinson's Remedies

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Brand: Robinson's

Information about Lip Renew from our colleagues at Robinson’s Remedies:

You are looking at a picture of the world’s first endurance cream for wind musicians that you can use while you play WITHOUT WIPING IT OFF. We studied endurance athletes to understand what causes muscles to fail. We collaborated with professional chemists to perfect a formula that works fast and is highly effective. There is no wax at all. No petrolatum. No camphor. As wind musicians, we want nothing but the best for our lips and surrounding muscles.

You don’t have to compromise or suffer through difficult gigs or hours of playing while worrying if you are going to make it through. All you have to do is use our product as directed. And just focus on making beautiful music.

We couldn’t find a product anywhere that works quickly to not only treat lip inflammation, but be effective at treating muscle fatigue and help improve recovery time to make those grueling rehearsal and performance days more tolerable.

Try Lip Renew for yourself and see!

For wind players, our mouth health directly effects our livelihood. Just as we would stretch our hands and necks before playing, we also need to consider the health of what allows us to be wind musicians – our embouchure!

P.S. Check out Robinson’s Remedies brand new breakthrough product, Reed Renew!

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Lip Renew by Robinson's Remedies

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